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2015|Attraction|West-Mountain Versailles Club

Exhibition period: August 1- August 15, 2015
Exhibition Venue: Shijiazhuang Xishan No.1 Park & Versailles Clubhouse

An exhibition of Shi Li’s oil paintings will be held on August 1 at West-Mountain No. 1 clubhouse, a landmark building in Hebei Province, featuring 30 oil paintings, co-sponsored by the Hebei Oil Painting Society and the Hebei Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Association for half a month.

Shi Li is a young painter who has risen rapidly in recent years, and is known for his pioneering oil paintings in Europe and the United States, which is very rare in Hebei Province. Shi Li studied painting since childhood and graduated from the Capital Normal University with a postgraduate degree in oil painting, majoring in classical oil painting materials and techniques and “Dampella”, studying under Liu Kongxi, Liu Bingjiang, Wang Qi and Chen Weisheng. Hisworks are also collected by some museums, galleries and famous people outside of China.

The exhibition is co-organized by the Hebei Oil Painting Society and the Hebei Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Association. Madame Xu Bing, president of the provincial oil painting society, says that Shi Li’s work is an interpretation of “a dynamic relationship”. She believes that in the Western tradition, this power comes from the transmigration of imitation. We try to erase the past, but the traces that could not been erased in nature and in booksare more obvious. In the work we cannot indifferently regard the points that have been erased as simply blank.

The exhibition was held in the exotic clubhouse. West-Mountain No.1 is a pure French royal palace style community project, the first high-end villa project in Hebei province with a pure stone facade, which is the highest quality level in Shijiazhuang. Based on West-Mountain Forest Parkwhich takes morethan 30 million square meters, it is surrounded by mountains and streamswith a magnificent atmosphere, which constitutes a unique scenery line in the front avenue of the mountain. In the villa group, visiting traditional Chinese landscape park and meanwhile thisWestern impressionist oil painting exhibition, which lead us as if into the European continent thatthousands of miles away from China, will rise a special charm in our heart.

It is reported that Shi Li’s oil paintings will be exhibited for half a month, the provincial citizens can visit for free during the exhibition period, and there will be an online auction on the day of the opening ceremony.

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